Sharon Kariwo

Harnessing Rust for Stellar Blockchain Development

Harnessing Rust for Stellar Blockchain Development

Harnessing Rust for Stellar Blockchain Development

In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, Stellar has emerged as a prominent platform designed to facilitate cross-border transactions and token issuance.

Concurrently, Rust has gained popularity for its performance, safety, and concurrency features. This article explores the synergy between Rust and the Stellar blockchain, offering insights into how developers can leverage Rust to build efficient and secure applications on Stellar.

Section 1: Understanding Stellar Blockchain

Overview of Stellar:

  • Founded by Jed McCaleb in 2014, Stellar is an open-source, decentralized protocol for digital currency to fiat currency transfers.
  • Aimed at enabling fast, low-cost international payments and facilitating financial inclusion.
  • Stellar's native currency, Lumens (XLM), plays a crucial role in its ecosystem.

Key Features of Stellar:

  • Speed: Transactions are confirmed within seconds.
  • Low Fees: Minimal transaction costs make it accessible.
  • Decentralization: Operates on a decentralized network of servers.
  • Smart Contracts: Supports multi-signature, batching, and time-bound transactions.

Section 2: Introduction to Rust Programming Language

What is Rust?:

  • Rust is a systems programming language known for safety, speed, and concurrency.
  • Developed by Mozilla, it eliminates common bugs caused by memory management issues.

Key Features of Rust:

  • Memory Safety: Prevents segmentation faults and ensures thread safety without a garbage collector.
  • Performance: Comparable to C and C++ in terms of execution speed.
  • Concurrency: Provides powerful concurrency primitives.

Why Choose Rust for Blockchain Development?:

  • Security: Strong memory safety guarantees reduce vulnerabilities.
  • Performance: Efficient execution aligns with the high-performance needs of blockchain operations.
  • Concurrency: Handles multiple transactions effectively.

Section 3: Setting Up the Environment

  • Installing Rust:
    • Use rustup for installation: curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
    • Set up your development environment: rustup install stable
  • Installing Stellar SDK:
    • Utilize stellar-sdk crate: Add stellar-sdk = "0.1" to your Cargo.toml file.
  • Setting Up a Stellar Account:
    • Create a Stellar account using the Stellar Laboratory or any other wallet service.
    • Fund your account with Lumens (XLM) for testing purposes.

Section 4: Building Your First Rust Application on Stellar

  • Creating a New Rust Project:
    • Initialize your project: cargo new stellar_rust_app
    • Navigate to your project directory: cd stellar_rust_app
  • Connecting to the Stellar Network:
    • Use the Stellar SDK to establish a connection.
    • Example code snippet:

use stellar_sdk::Network;

fn main() {
let network = Network::new_public();
println!("Connected to Stellar network: {:?}", network);

  • Performing Basic Operations:
    • Creating and Funding Accounts:

use stellar_sdk::network::Network;
use stellar_sdk::client::sync::Client;
use stellar_sdk::types::{TransactionBuilder, KeyPair, Operation};

fn main() {
let network = Network::new_public();
let client = Client::new_horizon_client(&network).unwrap();

let source_keypair = KeyPair::from_secret_seed("your_source_secret").unwrap();
let destination_keypair = KeyPair::random().unwrap();

let create_account = Operation::new_create_account(

let tx = TransactionBuilder::new(&source_keypair.public_key())
.sign(&source_keypair, &network)

println!("Account created and funded!");

  • Sending Payments:

let payment = Operation::new_payment(

let tx = TransactionBuilder::new(&source_keypair.public_key())
.sign(&source_keypair, &network)

println!("Payment sent!");

Section 5: Advanced Features and Best Practices

  • Implementing Multi-Signature Accounts:
    • Benefits of multi-signature for enhanced security.
    • Example implementation code.

  • Using Stellar Smart Contracts:
    • Leveraging Stellar's built-in capabilities for creating complex transaction logic.
    • Example scenarios and code snippets.

  • Best Practices:
    • Ensure secure storage of secret keys.
    • Regularly update dependencies to incorporate security patches.
    • Perform thorough testing in Stellar's testnet environment before deploying to the mainnet.


The combination of Rust's safety and performance with Stellar's robust blockchain infrastructure provides a powerful toolkit for developers. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can begin building efficient, secure, and scalable applications on the Stellar blockchain using Rust.